domingo, 1 de agosto de 2010

Universidad de Belgrano

Classes have begun!
Between not having a break between my exams, Spanish classes in Spain and it being winter here, I feel like I haven't had a summer. After some changing of classes, I am taking Latin American Cinema and Latin American Cultural Studies(both completely in Spanish), Intermedio B, Latin America in the Global Economy and a literature course on Borges.
Every afternoon I take the bus for about half an hour to school. Argentine universities are interesting in that they have three shifts, morning 7 am-12pm, afternoon 1-7 pm and night 7 pm to midnight. Argentine students normally take classes in the morning and evening so they can work during the day. University is normally not the main focus but is a supplement to their lives. Thus, classes for international students are usually in the afternoon.
So far my classes have been good although its difficult to pay attention for an hour and a half in Spanish. You really have to pay attention the whole time in classes in Spanish cause you can't pick up the lecture based on the context.
Last night I went to a concert. It was very nice and in the back of a cafe. The opening act was blues guitar and piano. The main act was called El puchero misterioso (the mysterious pot) and was a mix of tons of different instruments. At one point there was a saxophone and trumpet. The link to their page is below.
The cafe was really cool so I'm definitely going to try to go to more concerts there.

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